Политика 2024-09-15T13:58:23+03:00
Українські Новини
Poroshenko Concerned By Russia's Intention To Impose Import Embargo On Ukraine's Agricultural Products And Foo

Poroshenko Concerned By Russia's Intention To Impose Import Embargo On Ukraine's Agricultural Products And Foodstuffs In 2016

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The presidential press office announced this in a statement.

President Petro Poroshenko is concerned by Russia's intention to impose an embargo on import of Ukraine's agricultural products and foodstuffs from 1 January 2016. The presidential press office announced this in a statement.

"We have to be ready for the economic consequences because Russia is resorting not only to occupation of the sovereign independent state of Ukraine, but also to a trade war against us," Poroshenko said during a meeting with European Commissioner for Trade Cecilia Malmström.

At the same time, according to him, Russia's share of Ukraine's total foreign trade has fallen significantly to 16% and EU member states now account for more than 37% of Ukraine's foreign trade.

"The head of state noted that the free trade area with the European Union, which will enter into effect on 1 January 2016, will raise the trade and economic relations between Ukraine and the European Union to a new level and facilitate further development of the Ukrainian economy," the statement said.

Poroshenko asked Malmström to support Ukrainian exports to the European Union, particularly by broadening access to the EU market for Ukrainian products.

Malmström drew attention to the reform that Ukraine has implemented in recent months and Poroshenko's efforts to preserve the unity of the ruling coalition.

Poroshenko and Malmström also discussed disbursement of the second tranche of EU macro-financial assistance to Ukraine.

As Ukrainian News earlier reported, Malmström has said that the European Union intends to help Ukraine avoid a Russian embargo on Ukrainian goods after the agreement on free trade area between Ukraine and the European Union enters into force on 1 January 2016.

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