Politics 2024-09-15T09:06:28+03:00
Ukrainian news
Ukraine To Ban Entry Of Editor-In-Chief Of RT Simonyan Spouse, Russian Presenter Keosayan

Ukraine To Ban Entry Of Editor-In-Chief Of RT Simonyan Spouse, Russian Presenter Keosayan

Russia, Ukraine, Donetsk, ban, entry, Russia Today, Margarita Simonyan, Tigran Keosayan

Ukraine intends to ban the entry into the country of the TV presenter of the Russian channel NTV, the spouse of the editor-in-chief of Russia Today, Margarita Simonyan, Tigran Keosayan.

The press secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Oleh Nikolenko announced this on Twitter, Ukrainian News Agency reports.

"In connection with activities against national security, we are initiating procedures to ban Keosayan from entering Ukraine," he wrote on Twitter.

The statement appeared after Keosayan arrived with Simonyan and the editor-in-chief of the Govorit Moskva radio Roman Babayan on January 27 to occupied Donetsk.

"Simonyan and Babayan have been banned from entry for a long time," the Foreign Ministry speaker reminded.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, in 2020, the Security Service of Ukraine increased the number of bans on foreigners entering the country by 37.8% to 1,598 compared to 2019.

