Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine

Found 19 results
AMCU finds grounds to ban lifecell purchase by French billionaire Niel’s company
Economy 11 March 2024, 20:35 876
AMCU allows French billionaire Niel to buy Datagroup-Volia
Economy 07 March 2024, 20:48 773
Rada appoints Antimonopoly Committee ex-chair Pishchanska as Accounting Chamber head
Economy 10 January 2024, 15:36 225
German pharmaceutical company paid AMCU UAH 25 million fine for concentration without permission
Economy 18 September 2023, 19:01 428
Rada appoints ex-head of Donetsk Regional Military Administration Kyrylenko as head of Antimonopoly Committee
Politics 06 September 2023, 14:50 354
Rada dismisses Antimonopoly Committee head Pishchanska
Politics 05 September 2023, 17:08 257
AMCU allows transfer of Kolomoiskyi and Khomutynnyk’s company to management of Ukrnafta
Economy 06 July 2023, 17:53 251
AMCU Allows Georgian Citizen To Purchase BTA Bank
Economy 07 March 2023, 20:42 186
AMCU Allows Dragon Capital To Acquire Truskavetska Mineral Water Trademark
Economy 13 August 2021, 18:03 238
Lоvochkin demands to return state regulation of prices for basic goods and protection means
Politics 27 March 2020, 10:11 557
Antimonopoly Committee Uncovers Signs Of MHP Monopoly On Chicken Market
Economy 12 November 2019, 17:53 365
Antimonopoly Committee Allows Metinvest To Buy Over 50% of Dniprovskyi Coke Plant
Economy 18 April 2019, 17:45 264
Antimonopoly Committee Intends To Publish On Thursday Preliminary Findings On Establishing Association Of Professional Participants In Market Of Blockchain Industry
Economy 15 February 2018, 16:35 128
Justice Ministry Appeals Against Cancellation Of Decision To Seize UAH 79.9 Million In Dividends Payable To Gazprom From Gaztranzit
Economy 25 July 2017, 17:25 132
Appeal Court Overturns Court Ruling That Allowed Enforcement Service Collecting UAH 79.9 Million Of Dividends Of Gazprom From Gaztransit
Economy 25 July 2017, 16:44 179
Appeal Court Upholds Ruling To Collect From Gazprom AMCU's Fine Of UAH 172 Billion
Economy 22 February 2017, 15:58 150
Court On February 22 To Continue Examining Gazprom Appeal Against Recovery Of UAH 172 Billion Antimonopoly Committee Penalty From It
Politics 26 January 2017, 16:21 144
Court On January 18 Examining Gazprom Appeal Against Judgment On Recovery Of UAH 172 Billion Antimonopoly Committee penalty
World 27 December 2016, 11:22 144
Gazprom Challenges Decision To Collect Antimonopoly Committee's UAH 172 Billion Penalty From It At Kyiv Economic Court Of Appeal
Economy 16 December 2016, 14:17 108
