China's Supreme People's Procuratorate

Found 19 results
Former deputy general manager of China's food giant indicted for bribery, power abuse
China 16 August 2024, 09:58 441
Former chairman of Bank of China indicted for bribery, illegal loan-issuing
China 08 March 2024, 05:28 735
Former deputy general manager of China Taiping Insurance arrested for suspected bribery
China 24 January 2024, 09:58 164
Procuratorate orders arrest of former vice president of China Development Bank
China 19 January 2024, 15:58 136
Former senior Guizhou political advisor being prosecuted for bribery
China 28 November 2023, 09:58 166
Former senior provincial political advisor arrested
China 27 November 2023, 05:28 168
China's top procuratorate orders arrest of ex-senior sports official
China 12 October 2023, 15:58 84
Former head of China's state railway indicted for bribery
China 07 March 2023, 05:38 178
China's top procuratorate orders arrest of former chief procurator of Shanghai
China 18 November 2022, 03:38 197
China's top procuratorate orders arrest of former telecom giant manager
China 15 November 2022, 03:38 245
Former executive of Sinograin indicted
China 03 November 2022, 05:38 264
Former head of China's state railway operator arrested for bribery
China 17 October 2022, 05:38 229
China's top procuratorate orders arrest of former Yunnan political advisor
China 22 September 2022, 03:38 205
Former vice president of China Development Bank stands trial for multiple offenses
China 01 September 2022, 15:58 274
Former senior Hebei provincial legislator arrested for suspected bribery
China 24 August 2022, 15:58 209
45,827 arrested in China for crimes against minors
China 10 June 2022, 03:38 240
Former vice public security minister charged with graft, stock manipulation, illegal possession of firearms
China 25 January 2022, 15:38 165
China's top procuratorate orders arrest of ex-senior provincial political advisor
China 29 December 2021, 18:31 187
China's procuratorate orders arrest of ex-vice public security minister
China 08 November 2021, 15:38 200
