medical services

Found 20 results
Shanghai healthcare to cover costs of assisted reproductive services
China 13 June 2024, 09:58 249
Military personnel allowed to store their reproductive cells in cryobanks for free
Politics 22 November 2023, 17:01 221
Ukrainians will be able to independently choose institutions for treatment among public and private - bill
Politics 19 September 2023, 20:22 889
Drinking coffee, tea related to lower risk for stroke, dementia: study
China 18 February 2022, 11:58 424
Relevant question concerns not COVID-19 origins but how to prevent future pandemic: new thesis
China 21 October 2021, 08:18 220
AI system aids treatment of cerebral ischemic stroke patients
China 07 September 2021, 15:58 261
China approves emergency use of domestic vaccines for 3-17 age group
China 15 June 2021, 07:28 206
China registers over 15 mln blood donations in 2020
China 14 June 2021, 15:58 186
Chinese experts set up model to predict stroke risk
China 10 June 2021, 15:58 277
East China's Jiangsu reports human infection of H10N3 avian influenza
China 02 June 2021, 08:58 303
Days of melanoma in Ukraine: everyone can get free diagnostics of moles
Events 28 May 2021, 07:25 185
In the USA - another anti-record for infection with Covid-19
Politics 13 November 2020, 08:50 145
Second Stage of Healthcare Reform Aggravates Situation in Sector Instead of Improving It, - Lovochkin
Politics 22 July 2020, 10:59 117
8,739 more COVID-19 patients recovered in Pakistan in the last 24 hours
World 15 July 2020, 14:59 178
Pakistan manufacturing all COVID-19 PPEs except ventilators
World 14 May 2020, 06:01 144
Reform Of Medical Services Financing Enters Into Force
Economy 30 January 2018, 17:13 137
Cabinet Approves Method For Calculation Of Cost Of Medical Services
Politics 27 December 2017, 16:45 124
Rada To Introduce Single Tariff For Primary Medical Service Per Person From 2018
Politics 19 October 2017, 17:01 81
Healthcare Ministry: Medical Reform Envisages Free Services To Pregnant Women
Politics 22 August 2017, 15:31 121
Kyiv To Launch Pilot Project Of Online Public Health In Podil December 1
Politics 24 November 2016, 14:07 168
