State Border Service

Found 14 results
Wagner mercenaries in Belarus used to inflame the situation – State Border Service
Politics 28 July 2023, 11:45 280
19 border guards returned to motherland from ruscists’ captivity – State Border Service
Politics 05 November 2022, 13:07 1159
Border guard from Belarus made his way across border under fire from his own people to join AFU
Politics 13 July 2022, 12:42 731
Cabinet instructs State Border Service to strengthen control over officials’ departure abroad
Politics 22 June 2022, 11:07 318
Poroshenko Appoints Tsyhykal As Border Guard Service Chairperson
Politics 25 July 2017, 17:29 141
Poroshenko Dismisses Chairperson Of State Border Service Nazarenko
Politics 25 July 2017, 17:21 158
Ukrainian Border Guards Ban Entrance For 102 Foreigners Due To Illegal Visiting Crimea In May
Politics 02 June 2017, 16:12 168
State Border Service Denies 220 Russian Citizens Entry Into Ukraine During May Holidays
Politics 10 May 2017, 19:40 103
Border Service Denies 15 Foreigners Entry Into Ukraine On April 30 - May 2 Due To Likely Involvement In Efforts To Destabilize Situation In Ukraine
Events 03 May 2017, 18:02 91
United States Transfers Radio Communication Equipment Worth USD 21 Million To State Border Service
Politics 28 April 2017, 21:01 237
State Border Service: Russia Begins Exercises Aimed At Improving Battle Readiness Of Russian Black Sea Fleet Units In Crimea
Politics 23 February 2017, 16:46 161
State Border Service Reports Three Flights Of Russian Helicopters Along Administrative Border Of Crimea February 16
Politics 17 February 2017, 16:20 107
Interior Ministry Orders Border Service To Be Ready For Taking Control Of Border With Russia In Donbas Before 2018
Politics 17 January 2017, 17:18 130
Japan Donates Medical Equipment Worth UAH 22.5 Million To State Border Service's Central Clinical Hospital
Politics 13 January 2017, 16:43 187
