The United Nations Stabilization Mission in DR Congo

Found 12 results
The 9th rotation of the Ukrainian national peacekeeping contingent of the UN mission ended in DR Congo
World 24 May 2019, 07:57 527
Ukrainian helicopter peacekeepers from the UN mission in DR Congo landed directly on the crater of an active volcano
World 20 April 2019, 07:21 724
The President of Ukraine is also elected in Africa: how UN peacekeepers vote in DR Congo
Politics 31 March 2019, 16:50 187
Militants attack town in DR Congo: Ukrainian peacekeeping contingent involved in response
Events 07 March 2019, 14:39 401
Ukrainian peacekeepers ensured landing of Joint Search and Rescue group in DR Congo
World 01 March 2019, 07:21 525
In the DR of the Congo, a stele was installed in honor of the 100 years unification of Ukraine
Events 23 January 2019, 08:54 312
Ukrainian helicopter peacekeepers from the UN mission in the DR Congo forced the rebels to shut up for the period of the New Year holidays and Presidential elections
Events 09 January 2019, 06:45 357
Ukrainian peacekeeping helicopter pilots from the UN mission help organize todays elections in DR Congo
Events 30 December 2018, 06:55 223
Ukrainian helicopter peacekeepers carried out an operation to transport the United Nations Force Commander in DR Congo to a dangerous region of the country
Events 19 December 2018, 06:45 268
Ukrainian UN helicopter peacekeepers in DR Congo rescued a military man from Malawi, who spent 16 days in the jungle
Events 05 December 2018, 09:39 322
UN Commission inspected Ukrainian peacekeeping contingent in DR Congo
Events 13 November 2018, 08:12 141
Deputy Commander of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in the DR Congo met with the servicemen of the new rotation of the Ukrainian helicopter pilots- peacekeepers in DR Congo
Events 08 November 2018, 13:36 348
