Politics 2024-09-15T11:24:57+03:00
Ukrainian news
Kyiv Court Of Appeal Cancels NACB's Closure Of Case Upon Declaration Of Unreliable Information By NBU Ex-Gover

Kyiv Court Of Appeal Cancels NACB's Closure Of Case Upon Declaration Of Unreliable Information By NBU Ex-Governor Hontareva

court, NBU, NACB, Valeriya Hontareva

The Kyiv Court of Appeal has cancelled the decision of the National Anticorruption Bureau (NACB) to close the case upon allegedly unreliable data in the declaration submitted by former governor of the National Bank of Ukraine, Valeriya Hontareva.

This is said in respective ruling of the court dated July 24, Ukrainian News Agency reports.

In March, a NACB detective ruled to close the criminal case dated August 18, 2017 in absence of criminal violation in actions of Valeriya Hontareva under Article 366-1 (declaration of unreliable information) of the Penal Code of Ukraine.

The decision followed the fact that Hontareva's expenses for a vacation in the Maldives in July 2016 made UAH 249,900, which was less than 250 living wages for able-bodied persons.

Lawyer Yurii Kharchenko on behalf of third parties appealed against the said decision, however, on June 15, the Solomiyanskyi District Court of Kyiv rejected the appeal.

Later the Kyiv Court of Appeal agreed with the facts provided by the lawyer and ruled that the judge of the first instance did not pay attention to incomplete pretrial investigation.

Therefore, the court cancelled the ruling of the NACB detective to close the case.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, on July 2017, the court urged the NACB to investigate possible declaration of unreliable information by Hontareva.

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