Events 2024-09-15T09:56:20+03:00
Ukrainian news
Ukraine Registers 1st Lethal Case From Coronavirus

Ukraine Registers 1st Lethal Case From Coronavirus

death, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Coronavirus infection, coronavirus epidemic, coronavirus pandemic

Ukraine has registered the first death from coronavirus Covid-19.

This follows from a statement by the governmental information resource on coronavirus on Telegram, Ukrainian News Agency reports.

“Zhytomyr region resident, a 71-year-old woman, who was hospitalized on March 12 diagnosed coronavirus, has died today,” the statement says.

According to the report, the people, who had had a contact with her, are network being observed by doctors.

The report also says that elderly people have the highest risk of getting infected with coronavirus with lethal outcome.

The people aged 60-69 have the risk ratio of 3.4%; for those aged 70-79 – 7.8%; and for the people aged 80 and over – 13.5%.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, Ukraine will close the borders for foreign citizens in 48 hours for the period of two weeks.

