Events 2024-09-15T08:57:39+03:00
Ukrainian news
61% Those Polled By KIIS Not Ready To Be Vaccinated In Next Few Months, 33% Ready

61% Those Polled By KIIS Not Ready To Be Vaccinated In Next Few Months, 33% Ready

Ukraine, poll, KIIS, vaccine, Coronavirus, COVID-19, coronavirus vaccine, vaccination, Coronavirus vaccination

60.7% of those polled by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) are not ready to be vaccinated in the next few months, 33.4% are ready.

This is evidenced by the results of the poll, Ukrainian News Agency reports.

At the same time, 5.9% found it difficult to answer.

It is also noted that among the reasons for refusing to be vaccinated, 38.3% do not trust the vaccine, 7.3% believe that there is no need to be vaccinated, 6.2% doubt the quality and safety of the vaccine, 6.1% are not ready because of their health condition.

Also, 5.7% are not satisfied with the available vaccine, 4.6% do not explain the reason for the refusal, 4.6% - because of unpredictable consequences, 3.8% - because the vaccine is untested, 3.4% - because that have been ill and have antibodies.

Besides, the respondents were asked whether they agree with the statement that famous public figures were among the first to be vaccinated to popularize vaccination: singers, TV presenters, athletes, etc.

So, 44.8% agree with the statement, 25.4% believe that in this way these people simply use their position to get the vaccine before ordinary people, 11.7% chose another option, 18.1% found it difficult to answer.

The survey was conducted on March 10-12 using the CATI method (telephone interviews using a computer).

2,014 adult respondents were interviewed in the controlled territories.

The theoretical sampling error does not exceed 2.4%.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, on March 16, 51.5% of those polled by the Razumkov Center do not intend to be vaccinated against coronavirus.

