Politics 2024-09-15T07:32:15+03:00
Ukrainian news
Poland And NATO Ready For War With Russia If It Crosses "Red Lines" - Polish Foreign Ministry

Poland And NATO Ready For War With Russia If It Crosses "Red Lines" - Polish Foreign Ministry

NATO, Poland, Russian aggression, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Russian invasion, Russian war, Russian occupation

Poland and other members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization are ready to fight back the Russian Federation if it attacks a NATO member country. This was stated by the press secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland Lukasz Jasina in an interview with ТСН.ua today, April 14.

Jasina said Poland does not want a military confrontation with Russia, but will definitely respond in the event of an attack by the Russian army.

“'We're always ready for that. And not only us, but also our allies. All NATO members are ready. Article 5 of the Washington Treaty says aggression against any NATO country is aggression against an entire Alliance. And if Vladimir Putin starts some kind of aggression against Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia or Finland, if it is in NATO, it will be a red line for all of us," said the press secretary of the Polish Foreign Ministry.

Jasina also stressed that he would not like a start of any aggression from Russian President Vladimir Putin.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, on March 21, the Ambassador of Ukraine to Poland Andrii Deshchytsia said that Poland was preparing for the invasion of Russia.

On April 4, Poland demanded to immediately convene a European Union summit on the crimes of the Russian military in Ukraine.

On April 12, Polish media reported the disappearance of 100 T-72 tanks from the warehouse and wished Ukraine "successful hunting."

