Politics 2024-09-15T07:16:47+03:00
Ukrainian news
Lukashenko Decides To Immediately Create Operational Command On Border With Ukraine

Lukashenko Decides To Immediately Create Operational Command On Border With Ukraine

Belarus, Belarusian border, Ukrainian-Belarusian border, Belarusian troops, threat from Belarus

Belarus will create an operational command of its troops in the southern direction, that is, on the border with Ukraine. Aleksandr Lukashenko announced this.

Lukashenko said that it is necessary to create a command because of the threat from Ukraine. According to him, in addition to the fronts from Lithuania and Poland, a new direction has opened - the southern one.

"The Minister of Defense proposed to us to create a new command in the southern direction. It was back last year.... But now it is necessary to immediately create this operational direction, together the western, northwestern there will be the southern wing," the head of the regime said.

Lukashenko noted that now it is necessary to send new units to the southern border, without waiting for the creation of a new operational command, so that Belarusian troops get experience.

Meanwhile, Belarus decided to introduce the death penalty due to the "rail war."

Lukashenko signed amendments to legislation that provide for a death penalty for "attempted terrorism."

