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84% Of KIIS Respondents Consider Territorial Concessions To Achieve Peace With Russia Unacceptable

84% Of KIIS Respondents Consider Territorial Concessions To Achieve Peace With Russia Unacceptable

poll, KIIS, Kyiv International Institute of Sociology

84% of respondents polled by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) consider any territorial concessions to achieve peace with Russia unacceptable.

This is evidenced by the results of the poll, Ukrainian News Agency reports.

Respondents were asked which of the proposed statements regarding possible compromises to achieve peace with Russia they agree to a greater extent.

84% of respondents said that under no circumstances should Ukraine give up any of its territories, even if because of this the war lasts longer and there are threats to the preservation of independence.

10% of respondents said that in order to achieve peace and maintain independence, Ukraine can abandon some of its territories;

6% of respondents could not answer.

Thus, compared to a similar poll conducted in May, the mood of the population was almost unchanged.

At the same time, taking into account the sensitivity of this question and the possible insincerity of some respondents, sociologists conducted a methodical experiment and half of randomly selected respondents were asked a question according to the method of "an acquaintance" (as if an acquaintance answered the question).

Within such a poll, 80% opposed any territorial concessions, 14% supported concessions.

The poll was conducted on July 6-20 using the CATI method (Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing).

2,000 adult respondents were polled in all regions, except for the territories of Crimea and Donbas temporarily occupied before February 24.

Also, citizens who went abroad after February 24 were not polled.

The theoretical sampling error does not exceed 2.4%.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, 82% of KIIS respondents in May considered territorial concessions to achieve peace unacceptable, 10% allowed concessions.

Больше новостей о: poll KIIS Kyiv International Institute of Sociology
