Air Force

Found 108 results
Missile attack on Kharkiv TV tower not accidental - Air Force
Politics 23 April 2024, 14:27 460
Air Force tells about Kh-69 missile, which russia previously used to attack Trypilska TPP
Politics 12 April 2024, 13:31 892
Air Force assess missile potential of russia and tell how enemy using new reserves
Politics 08 April 2024, 14:55 671
Russia could repeat massive shelling of Ukraine, occupiers stockpiling missiles - Air Force
Politics 04 April 2024, 14:41 869
Russia has many guided aerial bombs weighing 1,500 kg, which exhaust Ukrainian air defense - Air Force
Politics 01 April 2024, 18:23 1330
Yevlash appointed new spokesman for Air Force
Politics 18 March 2024, 19:04 686
Air defense downed 14 Shaheds over Ukraine at night
Politics 17 March 2024, 12:26 1175
Russians continue to attack Ukrainian positions with guided aerial bombs, but they no longer dare to fly too close - Oleshchuk
Politics 08 March 2024, 14:05 759
Russians launch 18 Shaheds over Ukraine at night. Air defense worked in 8 regions
Politics 25 February 2024, 11:08 359
Air Force mocks putin for trying to "protect" russian planes with icon
Politics 22 February 2024, 12:43 1076
Defense forces down another russian Su-34 fighter jet along with its crew
Politics 21 February 2024, 09:03 1635
AFU destroy two russian fighter jets in eastern axis
Politics 19 February 2024, 14:10 1148
AFU Air Force destroys 3 russian fighters at once - AFU Air Force Commander Oleshchuk
Politics 17 February 2024, 14:42 2737
Air Force tells how many Il-76 aircraft russia has and why their loss not important for enemy
Politics 26 January 2024, 18:00 2538
AFU have more and more tools and opportunities to reach enemy where they do not expect it – Air Force
Politics 25 January 2024, 09:40 328
Ukrainian pilots already flying F-16 with instructors - Air Force
Politics 22 January 2024, 17:31 904
Loss of pilots after downing of russian A-50 and Il-22 planes create problems for russia - Air Force
Politics 22 January 2024, 16:28 619
"If given, then they will reach." Air Force comments on provision of AASM Hammer bombs to Ukraine
Politics 19 January 2024, 20:40 1675
Russians conduct night drone and S-300 missile attacks – Air Force
Politics 17 January 2024, 10:23 234
Air Force hints at elimination of A-50 radar plane and IL-22 aircraft over the Sea of Azov
Politics 15 January 2024, 10:33 591
