Politics 2024-09-15T04:47:26+03:00
Ukrainian news
Loss of pilots after downing of russian A-50 and Il-22 planes create problems for russia - Air Force

Loss of pilots after downing of russian A-50 and Il-22 planes create problems for russia - Air Force

Air Force, downing of aircraft, Yurii Ihnat, A-50

The loss of pilots after the downing of russian A-50 and Il-22 planes created certain problems for the occupiers. In particular, this incident slightly reduced the enemy's abilities.

This was announced by the spokesman of the Air Force Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Yurii Ihnat, during the telethon.

"I also looked at the "eternal flight, brothers" column in their publications, where obituaries are already slowly appearing. We see that there is also a colonel. But first of all, young officers. I was even surprised, to be honest, that junior lieutenants were on board of these planes. And any loss, even if it is a young officer, then he is a graduate of a military college, where he is trained for 5 years. Plus for a few more years, he has been practicing directly in the troops, and plus he has combat experience for at least 2 years, unfortunately, in combat. We are talking about the A-50, as well as the Il-22. Two aircraft were destroyed," he said.

The speaker noted that in this way it can really create certain inconveniences, certain problems for the occupiers.

"But I will tell you that there are, let's say, not single crews for these planes, there are at least 2 of them for each plane. This is the practice all over the world. They have fewer planes, and less crews. Well, from this, of course, we got better, their abilities decreased a bit," Ihnat stated.

At the same time, he recalled that the new russian A-50 aircraft appeared again soon over the waters of the Sea of Azov, "but it did not fly so close."

"And the closer it flies to our coast, the further it can conduct radar reconnaissance in the airspace of our country. That's why it doesn't dare to do that, and that's a good thing," Ihnat says.

At the same time, as Ihnat stated, the new A-50, which replaced the downed one, is not technically new at all, "it's just different, that's all."

"They have several of those aircraft. Let's say, units. We're not talking about dozens. We were talking about eight, we were talking about five functional modernized ones. Different data. But that's about the same number. If it's five, then it's already a minus one and that's four. This is conventionally speaking. That's why another flew in its place. Sometimes A-50s simultaneously performed tasks of 3 on the approaches to our country: in the north, east and south. Sometimes there are 2. They fly together with that Il-22, which is an air command post and also receives information from the same A-50 for troop control," the speaker said.

We will remind you that on the evening of January 14, 2024, the Air Force of Ukraine destroyed the russian A-50 long-range radar detection aircraft and significantly damaged the Il-22M air command post over the Sea of Azov. All 15 people on board, including high-ranking officers, are believed to have been killed.

Also, the Defense Forces of Southern Ukraine showed a video of the last flight "into the zone of no return" of the russian A-50 long-range radar detection aircraft.

Больше новостей о: Air Force downing of aircraft Yurii Ihnat A-50

