confiscation of Russian assets

Found 12 results
Court confiscates plastic pipe factories from russian oligarch in favor of Ukraine
Economy 23 September 2024, 11:57 424
EU today will transfer EUR 1.5 billion from frozen russian assets to defense and reconstruction of Ukraine – Ursula von der Leyen
Economy 26 July 2024, 15:27 269
More than EUR 6 billion of russian funds stored in Luxembourg should work for Ukraine now - Shmyhal
Economy 19 March 2024, 19:13 450
For first time in history, US transfers confiscated russian assets to Estonia to help Ukraine
Politics 18 February 2024, 16:49 5541
EU Council supports use of profits from frozen assets of russia for Ukraine
Politics 13 February 2024, 13:38 226
Western fears about frozen russian assets transfer to Ukraine overstated - World Bank ex-head
Economy 22 January 2024, 19:14 396
Russia wants to attract leading lawyers to challenge in court confiscation of its assets and their transfer to Ukraine
Politics 12 January 2024, 20:50 277
Ukrainian court nationalizes assets of close to Putin oligarchs Rotenberg, Deripaska and Giner
Politics 11 July 2023, 16:30 387
Court confiscates from Russian designer Artemy Lebedev 2 apartments in center of Kyiv
Politics 11 July 2023, 15:56 287
U.S. Will Transfer Confiscated Russian Assets To Ukraine For The First Time - Reuters
World 11 May 2023, 15:39 244
Property Fund Plans To Put Up For Privatization Confiscated Assets Of Russian Oligarchs Shelkov, Deripaska, Rotenberg
Politics 29 March 2023, 14:03 191
EU Has Difficulties With Confiscation Of Russian Assets For Benefit Of Ukraine
Politics 26 March 2023, 11:22 284
