Economy 2024-09-24T05:00:01+03:00
Ukrainian news
Court confiscates plastic pipe factories from russian oligarch in favor of Ukraine

Court confiscates plastic pipe factories from russian oligarch in favor of Ukraine

confiscation, Russian oligarchs, confiscation of property, Russian oligarch, confiscation of Russia's property, confiscation of Russian assets, confiscation of assets, pipe factories

The High Anti-Corruption Court (HACC) has confiscated plastic pipe factories from the russian oligarch Miron Gorilovsky and his business partners Valentin Buyanovsky and Andrey Menshov, who are the founders, controllers and top managers of the russian group of companies Polyplastic, for the benefit of Ukraine.

This is stated in the message of the Ministry of Justice, the Ukrainian News agency reports.

"The Polyplastic group is a large industrial conglomerate that specializes in the production of high-tech polymer pipes and composite polymer materials, has in its structure a scientific and research base for conducting research and development in the field of composite polymers, which have a wide range of applications, starting with the production polymer pipes and ending with the production of small arms components. The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the russian federation included the Polyplastic group in the list of organizations that exert a significant influence on the industry and trade in the russian federation," the message says.

According to the report, after the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the russian federation into Ukraine, the enterprises of the Polyplastic group are actively participating in the import substitution of products that have become unavailable in the russian federation due to the introduction of EU sanctions.

Also, Gorilovsky and his business partners, with the help of controlled companies of the Polyplastic group, committed actions aimed at supporting the aggressive policy of the aggressor country.

According to the decision of the HACC, the assets, according to which the sanctioned persons exercise indirect control, were charged to the state revenue, namely the corporate rights to the companies that were part of the Ukrainian part of the Polyplastic group:

- 93% share of the authorized capital of Eurotrubplast Trading House LLC;

- 93% share in the authorized capital of Kalush Pipe Plant LLC;

- 93% share in the authorized capital of Rubizhne Pipe Factory LLC;

- 100% share in the authorized capital of Polimerteplo - Ukraine LLC;

- 10% share in the authorized capital of Ukrainian Polymer Group LLC;

- 51% share in the authorized capital of Kordflex LLC.

As the Ukrainian News agency earlier reported, in June the State Property Fund sold the confiscated factory of russian-Greek oligarch Ivan Savvidis for UAH 103 million.


