Politics 2024-09-15T04:55:16+03:00
Ukrainian news
They caused UAH 43 million damage to Ukrainian budget. SSU exposes managers of russian oligarch Grigorishin in

They caused UAH 43 million damage to Ukrainian budget. SSU exposes managers of russian oligarch Grigorishin in Zaporizhzhia Region

Security Service of Ukraine, SSU, Russian oligarch, losses to state, Konstantin Grogorishin

The Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) exposed the management of the Zaporizhzhia electrical equipment plant, which until November 2022 was owned by an oligarch from the aggressor country of russia, Konstantin Grigorishin, on large-scale losses to the budget of Ukraine.

This is stated in the notification of the SSU.

Thus, according to the investigation materials, during 2018-2021, the plant's top management organized a scheme to withdraw budget funds "into the shadows" in the form of non-payment of land tax.

The scheme caused more than UAH 43 million in losses to the state. Subsequently, the organizers of the scheme gradually transferred this amount to the accounts of Grigorishin's holding companies in the territory of the aggressor country of the russian federation.

In order to disguise the illegal "transactions", those involved framed them as repayment of the plant's financial obligations to the russian oligarch's companies.

In order to implement the criminal scheme, the management of the Zaporizhzhia enterprise artificially lowered the coefficient for paying the land tax.

For this, the defendants entered unreliable information into the financial and economic and reporting documentation.

After the scheme was exposed, even before the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia, the Security Service of Ukraine initiated forensic economic examinations.

So far, the relevant conclusions of the experts have confirmed the facts of the illegal activities of the participants.

On the basis of the collected evidence, the financial director and chief accountant of the enterprise were served with suspicion under the following articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine:

  • Part 2 of Article 28, Part 3 of Article 212 (tax evasion committed by an employee of an enterprise in a particularly large amount by a prior conspiracy by a group of persons);
  • Part 2 of Article 28, Part 1 of Article 366 (official forgery committed by a group of persons following a prior conspiracy).

Investigative actions are ongoing to establish all the circumstances of the crime and bring the perpetrators to justice.

The SSU also reminds that from 2022, by the decision of the National Commission for Securities and Stock Market, this enterprise became state property for the period of martial law as a strategic object of Ukraine's industry.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, the SSU previously detained the head of the "office" of one of the Kherson universities, who was implementing the educational standards of the russian federation there.


