Found 377 results
IMF postpones its mission to russia indefinitely
World 18 September 2024, 11:26 269
IMF may require additional increase in taxes if there is significant difference in revenues and expenditures in state budget
Finance 16 September 2024, 13:20 293
Increase in taxes inevitable - IMF Mission considers it necessary to increase tax revenues
Economy 11 September 2024, 15:22 948
Hryvnia exchange rate should continue to function as shock absorber - IMF Mission
Finance 11 September 2024, 11:44 190
IMF mission and Ukraine reach staff-level agreement on 5th revision of EFF program
Economy 11 September 2024, 10:31 258
IMF demands that Ukraine raise taxes - Bloomberg
Economy 05 September 2024, 13:01 297
IMF requires Ukraine to devalue hryvnia - Bloomberg
Economy 05 September 2024, 12:02 656
IMF mission and representatives of Ukrainian authorities begin negotiations on 5th revision of EFF program
Economy 04 September 2024, 11:03 439
IMF mission completes its work in Ukraine
Finance 19 July 2024, 18:35 458
IMF appoints Tofano as permanent representative in Ukraine instead of Stepanyan
Economy 19 July 2024, 14:59 1847
IMF specialists arrive in Kyiv to discuss tax-budget plans of Ukrainian authorities
Politics 16 July 2024, 10:33 305
Ukraine receives USD 2.2 billion from the IMF
Politics 03 July 2024, 12:11 331
IMF approves allocation of USD 2.2 billion tranche to Ukraine
Economy 29 June 2024, 11:07 448
Cabinet asks Rada to postpone budget declaration submission in order to agree with IMF on main indicators
Economy 07 June 2024, 17:07 502
Ukraine and IMF reach a staff-level agreement on 4th revision of EFF
Politics 03 June 2024, 11:38 573
IMF mission and representatives of Ukrainian authorities begin negotiations on 4th revision of EFF program
Economy 27 May 2024, 16:27 472
IMF representatives arrive in Ukraine to meet with authorities, IMF mission will start working online on May 27
Politics 23 May 2024, 09:06 463
IMF upgrades 2024 global growth forecast to 3.2 pct
China 24 April 2024, 09:58 282
4th revision of IMF program scheduled for June - Pyshnyi
Economy 18 April 2024, 17:32 421
IMF presents a forecast of dollar exchange rate for 5 years
Politics 17 April 2024, 09:52 1497
