Politics 2024-09-15T09:11:23+03:00
Ukrainian news
NACB And SACPO Inform Ex-First Deputy Secretary Of NSDC Hladkovskyi’s Son About Suspicion Of Receiving UAH 1 M

NACB And SACPO Inform Ex-First Deputy Secretary Of NSDC Hladkovskyi’s Son About Suspicion Of Receiving UAH 1 Million Of Unlawful Benefits In Optimumspetsdetal Case

NACB, Oleh Hladkovskyi, SACPO, suspicion, Ihor Hladkovskyi, Optimumspetsdetal

The National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NACB) and the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office (SACPO) have informed the son of the former First Deputy Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) Oleh Hladkovskyi, Ihor, about suspicion of receiving UAH 950,000 of unlawful benefits in the case concerning the Optimumspetsdetal company.

Ukrainian News Agency has learned this from a source in anti-corruption bodies.

"The suspicion was reported to Hladkovskyi’s son," he said.

The suspicion was reported to him on Monday.

The agency's interlocutor did not provide any other details.

At that, according to NACB and SACPO reports, which do not indicate the names, a new suspect appeared in the Optimumspetsdetal case, who provided influence on the decision-making by the director general of the Ukrspecexport state-owned company.

His actions are qualified under Part 2 of Article 369-2 (abuse of influence) of the Criminal Code.

The investigation established that the suspect, together with a number of other persons in 2015-2017, implemented a corruption scheme for the supply of goods of unknown origin to the enterprises of the Ukroboronprom state concern using Optimumspetsdetal LLC and other enterprises.

Thanks to the efforts of the suspect, Optimumspetsdetal received preferences during the conclusion of contracts and settlements with the enterprises of Ukroboronprom.

For this, he received an unlawful benefit, which, according to agreements, should have amounted to 50% of the total amount of illegally received profits of the participants in the scheme.

Thus, only under one contract the suspect received UAH 950,000 of illegal benefit.

However, according to the investigation, this is not the only case of illegal activity - the rest of the facts are still being investigated.

In general, the investigation identified eight participants in the corruption scheme, implemented with the participation of Optimumspetsdetal.

Two of them have already been convicted, three are in the dock, and three more remain suspects.

As part of the investigation, it was established that during the operation of the scheme with the participation of Optimumspetsdetal, Ukroboronprom was supplied with goods worth about UAH 165 million, while the budget did not receive more than UAH 49 million in taxes, of which UAH 25.77 million was value added tax, UAH 23.57 million - income tax.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, Vitalii Zhukov, the head of the Optimumspetsdetal company, suspected of tax evasion of UAH 49 million for the supply of spare parts to the Ukroboronprom concern, as well as the legalization of proceeds from crime, agreed to conclude a deal with the investigation.

In June, the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office completed the pre-trial investigation of criminal proceedings on possible abuses with the defense order of the former first deputy secretary of the NSDC, Oleh Hladkovskyi.


