Politics 2024-09-15T07:59:49+03:00
Ukrainian news
Cabinet Approves Procedure For Initial And Basic Military Training For National Resistance

Cabinet Approves Procedure For Initial And Basic Military Training For National Resistance

Cabinet, Cabinet of Ministers, National Resistance, military training

The Cabinet of Ministers has approved the procedure for initial and basic military training for national resistance.

This is stated in decree of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 1443 of December 29, 2021, Ukrainian News Agency reports.

"General military training of citizens is carried out in peacetime and in a special period, regardless of political and other preferences, gender, ethnic and social origin, property status, place of residence in order to form readiness in society for sustainable resistance to the aggressor, in particular in the information space, patriotic consciousness and sustainable motivation, acquisition and maintenance by citizens of the knowledge and practical skills necessary to defend Ukraine," the procedure says.

It is also noted that citizens of pre-conscription, conscription age, those liable for military service, reservists and other categories of citizens who have expressed a desire to join the national resistance are undergoing general military training.

General military training is divided into initial and basic training.

Initial training is carried out with the aim of forming citizens' primary general military knowledge and special competencies regarding defense consciousness, familiarizing citizens with the place and role of a citizen in connection with the awareness of their responsibility for the armed defense of Ukraine.

Basic training is carried out with the aim of preparing a citizen capable of performing tasks both in peacetime and in wartime in combat conditions, and facilitating the acquisition of primary knowledge, skills and abilities by citizens regarding the procedure for handling weapons and their use, actions on the battlefield (movement and orientation on the ground), the provision of pre-medical care, as well as primary psychological assistance (self-help), handling improvised explosive devices and the formation of stable moral and psychological qualities necessary to defend Ukraine.

According to the document, responsibility for organizing general military training is assigned to: the Ministry of Education together with the Ministry of Defense (initial training); Ministry of Defense together with other interested central executive authorities (basic training).

Initial training is included in the State Standard of Specialized Secondary Education, implemented at the third level of complete general secondary education in institutions of general secondary education, vocational (professional-technical), vocational higher, higher education and other educational institutions.

Basic training is carried out by the Ministry of Defense together with interested executive authorities, local state administrations, local governments, volunteer, public and sports organizations.

Funding and material and technical support for general military training of citizens is carried out at the expense of the state budget, local budget expenditures, as well as from other sources not prohibited by law.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, in July Zelenskyy approved an increase in the number of the Armed Forces from 250,000 to 261,000 people and the formation of a system of national resistance.


