Politics 2024-09-15T06:53:18+03:00
Ukrainian news
Latvian Saeima Recognizes Russia State Sponsor Of Terrorism

Latvian Saeima Recognizes Russia State Sponsor Of Terrorism

Russia, war, Ukraine, Latvia, Russia state sponsor of terrorism, Latvian Saeima

The Parliament of the Republic of Latvia (the Saeima) on Thursday, August 11, adopted a statement about Russia's targeted military attacks against civilians in Ukraine, recognizing Russia's violence against civilians as terrorism, and Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism.

This is stated in a message of the press service of the Latvian Saeima, Ukrainian News Agency reports.

The Saeima’s statement added that since Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, 12 million Ukrainians have been forced to leave their homes, and more than 5 million have left their country.

During this time, a number of human rights groups and international monitoring missions reported atrocities committed by the Russian armed forces against the civilian population of Ukraine, including torture, rape, murder and mass detention of civilians in so-called filtration centers, as well as mass deportations,

The statement notes that Russia uses suffering and intimidation as a tool in its attempts to demoralize the Ukrainian people and the Armed Forces, paralyze the state's ability to act to occupy Ukraine.

"The Saeima recognizes Russian violence against civilians, which is carried out to achieve political goals, as terrorism, and Russia - a state supporting terrorism, and calls on other like-minded countries to express the same opinion," the statement said.

Latvian parliamentarians strongly condemn the military aggression of the Russian Federation and the large-scale invasion of Ukraine, carried out with the support and participation of the Belarusian regime, and call on the Euro-Atlantic community and its partners to urgently strengthen and impose comprehensive sanctions against Russia.

The Saeima also calls on European Union countries to immediately stop issuing tourist and entry visas to citizens of the Russian Federation and Belarus.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, in April, the Saeima of Latvia recognized Russia's actions in Ukraine as genocide of the Ukrainian people.


