Politics 2024-09-15T05:14:56+03:00
Ukrainian news
Yermak discusses Peace Formula with foreign envoys and indicates basic condition for ending war

Yermak discusses Peace Formula with foreign envoys and indicates basic condition for ending war

Andrii Yermak, President's Office, war in Ukraine, end of war, foreign police of Ukraine

Ukraine considers full restoration of sovereignty and return to the borders of 1991 as one of the fundamental conditions for ending the war, said the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Andrii Yermak following the results of the meeting with ambassadors and representatives of diplomatic missions held in the Verkhovna Rada on the Day of Ukrainian Statehood.

"The inviolability of borders and the right of nations to self-determination are the basic principles on which the entire system of international relations rests. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's Peace Formula opens a universal path to peace through the restoration and further observance of the fundamental principles of international cooperation," Yermak wrote in the Telegram channel.

According to him, the meeting took place on the instructions of the President of Ukraine. At the meeting, they talked about the implementation of the Peace Formula, in particular, the respect for the UN Charter, the restoration of the territorial integrity of Ukraine and the world order. Work on developing a unified understanding of this Formula also continued.

"We are working in detail with our allies on each point of the Formula, which is actually a tool for preventing geopolitical crises... Together with our partners, we will work out as clear and concise wording as possible, which will allow for the possibility of different interpretations of the points of the Formula. And whatever the correction is, the fundamental the principle of the Formula - full compliance with the norms of international law - will remain inviolable," said the head of the Office of the Head of the Ukrainian State.

He informed that in the process of implementation of the Formula, a three-level structure of its coordination and implementation was created: the first - the ambassadors of the countries, the second - national security advisors, the third and higher - the leaders of the states.

Representatives of the embassies of the G7 countries, ambassadors and representatives of diplomatic missions of the European Union, the Czech Republic, Poland, the Republic of South Africa, Estonia, Turkey, Lithuania, Egypt, Brazil, the Republic of Korea, India, Romania, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Spain, Latvia, the Netherlands, North Macedonia, Slovakia, Sweden, the United Arab Emirates, the Apostolic Nunciature, as well as the Exarch of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and the coordinator of the UN system in Ukraine took part in the event. Representatives of diplomatic institutions of Germany, Chile, Australia, Kuwait, Argentina, Cook Islands, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia joined the meeting online.

Yermak added that every time there are more participants in such meetings.


