Politics 2024-09-15T05:12:58+03:00
Ukrainian news
Traffic blocked for reason. Air Force comments on smoke on Crimean Bridge

Traffic blocked for reason. Air Force comments on smoke on Crimean Bridge

Crimean bridge, attack on Crimean Bridge, explosions in Crimea, fire on Crimean Bridge, explosions in temporarily occupied territory, attacks on Crimean Bridge

Spokesman for the Air Force of Ukraine Yurii Ihnat said that the consequences of what happened in the area of ​ ​ the Crimean Bridge are currently unknown, but noted that the occupiers would hardly block the movement of good reasons.

He reported this on the telethon.

"Smoke has been used since the Second World War. It's a disguise. In this case, only questions remain - we do not know what is happening. Perhaps they are conducting some kind of training. I can't say what's going on yet. Perhaps satellite images will tell us more if there is destruction there. They don't just block movement like that," he said.

On the journalist's comments about the reports of the invaders about the allegedly regular Ukrainian attacks by drones, Ihnat noted that incidents in the occupied Crimea will continue to occur.

"Unmanned aviation is developing, the production of drones of the strike type is developing. We see it brings its result," he added.

Recall that on Saturday, August 12, in the temporarily occupied Crimea, in the Kerch area, explosions were reported, smoke fluttered over the Kerch Bridge. Traffic was suspended.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, explosions in the Kerch Bridge area were also heard for the second time in a day on August 12. Eyewitnesses reported at least eight explosions. Traffic across the bridge was blocked again. The occupiers claimed that another, already the third in a day, missile was allegedly shot down.


