Politics 2024-09-15T13:02:07+03:00
Ukrainian news
Ukraine Wants Closer Cooperation Between UN And OSCE In Ensuring Peace And Security In Conflict Zones

Ukraine Wants Closer Cooperation Between UN And OSCE In Ensuring Peace And Security In Conflict Zones

Russia, Donbas, Klimkin, Ukraine, OSCE, UN, conflict, United Nations Security Council

Ukraine wants closer cooperation between the United Nations Organization and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in ensuring peace and security in conflict zones.

Foreign Affairs Minister Pavlo Klimkin announced this during a session of the United Nations Security Council in New York (United States), Ukrainian News Agency reports.

"The OHCHR (Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights) has recorded the deaths of 9,640 people, including up to 2,000 civilians, and 22,431 injuries since 2014. The situation in Ukraine essentially proves that terrorism can be used as an element of a hybrid war against a sovereign nation," Klimkin said.

Klimkin added that the United Nations should establish and strengthen its strategic partnerships with regional organizations, work with them, and share its unique experience of peacemaking operations.

In connection with this, according to him, Ukraine sees potential for establishment of closer cooperation between the United Nations and the OSCE aiming at facilitating the peaceful activities of the OSCE on the ground, especially in cases in which the missions of a regional organization are sent to unprotected areas.

"Ukraine also welcomed the initiative on establishment of a United Nations peace and security secretariat in Vienna (Austria), which could facilitate closer cooperation between the United Nations and the OSCE in strengthening the latter's ability to enforce and maintain peace whenever the need arises," the minister said.

Klimkin confirmed Ukraine's continued commitment to the flagship activities of the United Nations in the coming years.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, Ukraine has said that it expects the United Nations Organization to be more proactive in countering Russian aggression.


