Politics 2024-09-15T11:35:09+03:00
Ukrainian news
ICJ Demands Report From Russia On Measure To Restart Activities Of Crimean Tatar Mejlis

ICJ Demands Report From Russia On Measure To Restart Activities Of Crimean Tatar Mejlis

Crimea, Russia, UN, Crimean Tatars, ICJ, Crimean Tartar Mejlis

The United Nations International Court of Justice (ICJ) demands that the Russian Federation produce a report regarding measures taken to resume the functioning of the Crimean Tatar Mejlis in the Crimea.

Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Olena Zerkal announced this on her Facebook page, Ukrainian News Agency reports.

"Today the United Nations International Court of Justice has applied to the Russian Federation with a demand to provide it with information on execution of the order of the court of April 19, 2017, on resumption of the activities of the Mejlis," she wrote.

She recalls that Ukraine applied to the ICJ in April 2018 with a request to provide interpretation of the order on resumption of the activities of the Mejlis.

Ukraine did so because the Russian Federation had done nothing to abide by the order of the ICJ.

Now Russia is obliged to explain to the court what has been done for resumption of the activities of the Mejlis in the Crimea.

The ICJ wants Ukraine to provide information on the issue also.

As the Ukrainian News Agency reported earlier, Ukraine has asked the International Court of Justice to order Russia to begin implementing the court's order to allow the activities of the Crimean Tatar Mejlis in the Crimea.

The United Nations International Court of Justice ordered Russia on April 19, 2017, to allow the activities of the Crimean Tatar Mejlis and ensure availability of education in the Ukrainian language in the Russian-annexed Crimea.

The International Court of Justice began hearing Ukraine's case against Russia on March 6, 2017.


