Politics 2024-09-15T10:26:43+03:00
Ukrainian news
Lawyers Appeals Against Arrest Of Deputy Minister For Temporarily Occupied Territories Hrymchak, Bail Of UAH 6

Lawyers Appeals Against Arrest Of Deputy Minister For Temporarily Occupied Territories Hrymchak, Bail Of UAH 6 Million

arrest, bail, appeal, Yurii Hrymchak

The lawyers have appealed against the ruling of a court in Chernihiv that arrested deputy minister for Temporarily Occupied Territories and Internally Displaced Persons, Yurii Hrymchak, and set the bail at UAH 6 million.

Ukrainian News agency learnt this from his lawyer, Tetiana Matiash.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, the family and relatives of Hrymchak will not pay the bail.

On August 16, the court arrested Hrymchak and set the bail of UAH 6 million, but made a mistake in the father’s name of the suspect.

Больше новостей о: arrest bail appeal Yurii Hrymchak

