Politics 2024-09-15T09:27:55+03:00
Ukrainian news
Ternopil Not To Impose Restrictions Due To Its Classification As "Red" Zone Of Epidemic Danger

Ternopil Not To Impose Restrictions Due To Its Classification As "Red" Zone Of Epidemic Danger

mayor, Ternopil, Coronavirus, quarantine, COVID-19, quarantine restrictions, red zone, Ternopil mayor, Serhii Nadal

Ternopil will not impose restrictions due to its classification as a "red" zone of epidemic danger.

Ternopil Mayor Serhii Nadal wrote about this on Facebook, Ukrainian News Agency reports.

"Next week Ternopil will live and work as usual, observing anti-epidemic measures. We will not allow the transport and economic blockade of our city. We will not allow the government of amateurs and experimenters to paralyze the life of the two hundred thousandth city. Today, the city has a decision of the session of the Ternopil City Council, by which the government decree was declared illegal, on the basis of which Ternopil had already been classified as the "red" zone," he wrote.

Nadal indicated that the city council's decision was not challenged by any government body in court.

"Moreover, the Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers, during one of the TV broadcasts, recognized the legality of the decision of the session of the city council. According to this decisions... public transport continues to operate on special flights, the city fully provides the opportunity for children to study in schools and go to kindergartens, entrepreneurs work on the territory of the city in compliance with anti-epidemic requirements..." said the Mayor.

Nadal noted that the city council should appeal to the police with a request and recommendation not to draw up protocols on entrepreneurs on the basis of the government decree.

"According to the recent decision of the Constitutional Court, the Cabinet of Ministers does not have the right to establish a quarantine that restricts the constitutional rights and freedoms of a person and citizen. I ask the residents of Ternopil to unswervingly observe security measures. In particular, wearing a mask indoors, using antiseptics, and maintaining social distance," the Mayor added.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, on September 1, Nadal fell ill with coronavirus.


