Politics 2024-09-15T09:20:49+03:00
Ukrainian news
On the eve of the Presidential Elections in the United States due to covid-19 mask regime tightens

On the eve of the Presidential Elections in the United States due to covid-19 mask regime tightens

USA, presidential elections, election day, Covin-2019, coronavirus pandemic, protective mask
Covid-19 in the USA. Photo by iz.ru
Covid-19 in the USA. Photo by iz.ru

Ukraine passed its elections in the wake of the growing number of people infected with covid-19, and the United States is just starting to express its will. And the epidemiological situation at the federal level remains unstable.

Anthony S. Fauci, the nation's top infectious-disease expert, endorsed a national mask mandate Wednesday after months of reluctance, reports washingtonpost.com.

"What we can’t have is this very inconsistent wearing that you see, where some states absolutely refuse to wear a mask", - Fauci said in an interview on CNBC. When the host asked if the government should force compliance, Fauci replied: "You know, yes."

Many countries - and many American states and cities - have already issued mask mandates, which early research suggests can reduce coronavirus spread and hospitalizations.

Infections are surging in every competitive state before Election Day. The rolling average of new cases has increased by more than 30 percent in a dozen states in the last two weeks - by more than 50 percent in the crucial swing state of Pennsylvania, and it's nearly doubled in Michigan.

Highly infectious zones known as "sustained hot spots" form an unbroken chain from northern Mississippi to the Canadian border, according to a federal briefing document obtained by The Post.

Facing exponentially rising caseloads and no federal guidance, governors and local officials in several states are enacting a mish-mash of restrictions on schools and businesses.


