Politics 2024-09-15T09:20:45+03:00
Ukrainian news
EU Calling On Ukraine To Restore Legal Grounds For Effective Operation Of Anti-Corruption Bodies In Compliance

EU Calling On Ukraine To Restore Legal Grounds For Effective Operation Of Anti-Corruption Bodies In Compliance With Ukraine's Constitution

EU, European Union, corruption, Constitutional Court, e-declaration, Constitution, anti corruption bodies

The European Union is calling on Ukraine to restore legal grounds for effective functioning of anti-corruption bodies in compliance with the Constitution of Ukraine and expressed its readiness to assist in it.

Ukrainian News agency learned this from the EU Delegation to Ukraine.

The EU considers that the anti-corruption institutions are crucial for closer political association and economic integration of Ukraine, therefore, the financial assistance is related to the anti-corruption architecture that must be independent, effective and politically-unbiased.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, participants in a rally outside of the Constitutional Court’s building have thrown smoke grenades around the territory.

Over 10 smoke grenades were thrown.

At present, the territory is covered with orange smoke.

The National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP) has restored access to the register of e-declarations of officials.

Access to the declarations is opened on the website.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has suggested that the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine terminate the authorities of the incumbent composition of the Constitutional Court.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy suggesting that the Rada urge Constitutional Court judges’ appointers to immediately launch the procedure of selection of a new composition of Constitutional Court judges via a tender with their further appointment pursuant to the order envisioned by the Constitution and the Law of Ukraine On Constitutional Court Of Ukraine.

The bill motivates the said decision with the fact that the decision on the e-declaration taken by the Constitutional Court was enacted in conditions of a conflict of interests.

Besides, it says that the decision breaches the fundamentals of the Constitutional Court’s work and is an attempt to overthrow the constitutional system and usurp the power.

In compliance with the Constitution, the Constitutional Court judges are appointed by the President, Rada and a congress of judges for a period of nine years and a judge cannot be appointed repeatedly.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is suggesting that the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine declare the decision of the Constitutional Court on the e-declaration invalid.

Besides, it offers to refer to the law On Fighting Corruption and the Penal Code of Ukraine as being in the wording valid before the said decision of the Constitutional Court.

On October 27, the Constitutional Court declared unconstitutional the authorities of the National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP) to verify declarations and monitor the lifestyle of declarants.


