Politics 2024-09-15T08:42:24+03:00
Ukrainian news
Coronavirus Vaccination Centers Will Begin Their Work In 7 More Cities Of Ukraine

Coronavirus Vaccination Centers Will Begin Their Work In 7 More Cities Of Ukraine

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Coronavirus vaccination centers will begin their work in seven more cities of Ukraine.

The Ministry of Health announced this on Facebook, Ukrainian News Agency reports.

According to the statement, the centers will begin their work on June 5 and 6 in Ternopil, Poltava, Kremenchuk, Lubny, Myrhorod, Horishni Plavni (all - Poltava region) and Rivne.

According to the statement, in Ternopil, the coronavirus vaccination center will operate on the basis of the O. Dovzhenko Center for Leisure and Youth Initiatives.

In Poltava, the center will begin its work on the basis of the Yaroslav the Wise National Law University.

In Kremenchuk, the coronavirus vaccination center will operate on the basis of Lyceum No. 11 Harant, in Lubny - on the basis of the Kyivska Rus cinema, in Myrhorod - on the basis of the House of Culture of the Myrhorod City Council, in Horishnyi Plavni - on the basis of a separate administrative division of the Ore Mining and Enrichment Plant.

The coronavirus vaccination center in Rivne will operate on the basis of the V. Polischuk Regional Clinical Diagnostic and Treatment Center.

Previously, the corresponding centers were opened in Kyiv, Lviv and Odesa.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, on May 29, a coronavirus vaccination center began operating in Kyiv at the International Exhibition Center.

In order to be vaccinated, you must have your passport, identification code, mobile phone to confirm your appointment for vaccination in the Diia application and, preferably, a copy of the declaration with your doctor.


