China 2024-09-15T08:17:50+03:00
Ukrainian news
National park sees more tiger, leopard cubs in China

National park sees more tiger, leopard cubs in China

China, PRC, Animal, Siberian tiger, Amur leopard
A wild Siberian tiger at the Suiyang branch of the Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park management bureau in northeast China's Heilongjiang Province. Photo by Xinhua.
A wild Siberian tiger at the Suiyang branch of the Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park management bureau in northeast China's Heilongjiang Province. Photo by Xinhua.

Сhina's pilot national park project for endangered Siberian tigers and Amur leopards has borne fruit, with wildlife populations on the rise, informed The Xinhua News Agency.

At least 12 Siberian tiger cubs and 11 Amur leopard cubs have been born since 2017, when the Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park pilot project was launched in the provinces of Jilin and Heilongjiang, according to the park's management bureau.

Populations of other wild animals, such as spotted deer and boars, are also on the rise, suggesting an improving eco-environment in the park that spans 1.46 million hectares.

Over the past four years, the forest stock in the park has risen from 212 million cubic meters to 223 million cubic meters.

Local authorities regularly send forest rangers to patrol the park and the neighboring area and clear traps set by poachers.

Siberian tigers, also known as Amur tigers, mainly live in Russia's Far East and northeast China. One of the world's most endangered species, about 500 Siberian tigers are believed to be living in the wild.

Amur leopards, also known as the Far Eastern leopard, are also one of the most endangered felines in the world and have been listed as critically endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

Больше новостей о: China PRC Animal Siberian tiger Amur leopard

