Politics 2024-09-15T07:32:19+03:00
Ukrainian news
Russia Keeps Goal Of Capturing Kyiv. Defense Ministry Not Sure About Situation De-Escalation After May 9

Russia Keeps Goal Of Capturing Kyiv. Defense Ministry Not Sure About Situation De-Escalation After May 9

Kyiv, threats, bomb threat, threat, escalation, war with Russia, military threat, threat from Russia, accumulation of Russian troops, de-escalation, war in Ukraine, attack on Kyiv, Russia’s war with Ukraine, threat of a missile strike, Hanna Maliar

Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Hanna Maliar said that the Russian army is accumulating forces to continue the escalation in Ukraine. Therefore, in her opinion, one should not associate the possibility of returning to Kyiv by a certain date, even if this is a "sacred" date for Russians on May 9.

The official said this on a joint broadcast of Ukrainian TV channels, the Ukrainian Truth writes.

"It is too early to return to Kyiv, because the threat of missile strikes throughout Ukraine remains. The enemy has not yet abandoned the goal of capturing all of Ukraine, including Kyiv, and the situation is rather difficult. Therefore, it is worth waiting a little longer. And we will see how the situation will develop dynamically, including in the east.

It is clear that it is difficult for people to be away from their homes. I know a lot of people are just running out of money. But if there is an opportunity to wait a little longer and not return, at least not bring children to Kyiv, it is worth doing it," Maliar said.

When asked to comment on the opinion that it is worth waiting for the return until May 9, Maliar could not confirm that after this date it will be safer to return.

According to her, Russia continues to accumulate military force to attack Ukraine, Kyiv remains the target of the enemy, and threats remain for the whole country.

Maliar agreed that "the enemy had an ambition to walk around Kyiv on May 9 - and, perhaps, of those plans and rumors, there is now such an interpretation that it is worth waiting until the 9th."

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, the Russian army continues to build up an aviation group near the eastern border of Ukraine and strengthens artillery units.

Meanwhile, Ukrainian intelligence officers intercepted a conversation between a Russian soldier fighting in Ukraine and his relatives, in which he reports that "Putin said to level everything with the ground."


