Politics 2024-09-15T07:09:08+03:00
Ukrainian news
U.S. Senate Committee Supports Resolution On Recognizing Russia As State Sponsor Of Terrorism

U.S. Senate Committee Supports Resolution On Recognizing Russia As State Sponsor Of Terrorism

White House, U.S. Senate, state sponsor of terrorism, Russia state sponsor of terrorism

The U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, in a resolution, called on the Department of State to recognize Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism.

It is reported by Voice of America.

In a resolution approved on June 23, the Committee called for Russia to be recognized as a state sponsor of terrorism. The senators also approved a resolution condemning the use of hunger as a weapon in the war and recognizing the impact of the Russian war against Ukraine on global food security.

Voting in the committee does not mean the final recognition of the Russian Federation as a sponsor of terrorism - the corresponding decision must be made by the White House administration.

According to the co-chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, Republican Senator James Risch, the resolution will receive strong support during the Senate vote and this will be an argument for the State Department.

"If the United States recognizes a country as a sponsor of terrorism, there will be many consequences. A good example is Iran. There is no doubt that Russia, led by Vladimir Putin, is a state sponsor of terrorism. The act he committed in issuing the order to attack Ukraine was an act of terrorism. He is a war criminal, and he is responsible for every crime committed in his name, every act of destruction, every act of murder, everything that was committed in Ukraine, on his responsibility. He is a war criminal. And we need to send a strong message to the world - how we feel about the horrific things that he is doing," Risch said in a commentary for the Voice of America.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, the United States will provide an additional package of military assistance to Ukraine.

Besides, Russia called for a missile strike on the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv against the background of the transfer of HIMARS systems to Ukraine.


