Economy 2024-09-15T07:04:23+03:00
Ukrainian news
EU Freezes Assets Of Russian Individuals And Legal Entities For Almost EUR 14 Billion

EU Freezes Assets Of Russian Individuals And Legal Entities For Almost EUR 14 Billion

Russia, war, Ukraine, European Union, arrested assets, Russia's assets, seizure of assets

As of today, the European Union has frozen the assets of Russian oligarchs, individuals and legal entities that fell under the sanctions, totaling EUR 13.8 billion.

European Justice Commissioner Didier Reynders made the statement, Reuters reports.

"For the moment, we have frozen funds coming from oligarchs and other entities worth 13.8 billion euros, it's quite huge," EU Justice Commissioner Didier Reynders said on Tuesday.

Reynders noted that the vast majority of these assets, more than EUR 12 billion, come from five countries of the European Union. He did not specify what the countries are.

He also called on the remaining 22 countries of the European Union to intensify freezing assets belonging to sanctioned individuals and legal entities of the Russian Federation.

The amount of assets seized is a combination of cash held in bank accounts in EU countries, as well as the estimated value of seized properties, yachts and other valuables.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, on June 20, the European Commission Spokesperson for Rule of Law, the Charter of Fundamental Rights, Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality, Employment and Social Affairs Christian Wigand said that the European Union had frozen the assets of Russian oligarchs for EUR 12.5 billion.

We also wrote that on June 10, the Canadian police reported a freeze of CAD 412 million in Russian accounts or appeared in transactions involving sanctioned persons.

In addition, the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine secured the arrest of UAH 33 billion of the assets of Russian and Belarusian businessmen in Ukraine.

