Politics 2024-09-15T06:56:45+03:00
Ukrainian news
Zelenskyy Calls On Donetsk Region Residents To Evacuate

Zelenskyy Calls On Donetsk Region Residents To Evacuate

Donetsk region, evacuation, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, evacuation of citizens, evacuation of Ukrainian citizens, evacuation of population, evacuation of civilians, mandatory evacuation

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has called on residents of Donetsk region to evacuate.

He said this in a video address, Ukrainian News Agency reports.

"Exactly the same motivation (I am also about urging the world to recognize the Russian Federation as a terrorist state) now is important to be heard by all those of our people who still remain in the Donbas in the zones of the toughest battles. There are hundreds of thousands of people, tens of thousands of children. Many refuse to leave. But it really needs to be done. This decision will have to be made anyway. Anyway! Trust me. And the earlier it will be done, that more people will leave Donetsk region now, the less people the Russian army will have time to kill," he said.

Zelenskyy stressed that there is already a government decision on mandatory evacuation.

According to him, the appropriate full support has already been organized, full assistance - both logistical and payments - only the decision of the people themselves, who have not yet adopted it for themselves, is needed.

"Go, we will help! We are not Russia, which is why every life matters to us. And we will use every opportunity to save as many lives as possible and to limit Russian terror as much as possible," the Head of State said.

He noted that at this stage of the war, terror for Russia is the main weapon, so the main task of every Ukrainian is to do everything to isolate the terrorist state and to protect as many people as possible from Russian attacks.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, the state will introduce a mandatory evacuation of the population from the unoccupied regions of Donetsk region before the start of the heating season.


