Politics 2024-09-15T06:29:54+03:00
Ukrainian news
Russian Federation Council Vote For Inclusion Of Occupied Territories Of Ukraine In Russia

Russian Federation Council Vote For Inclusion Of Occupied Territories Of Ukraine In Russia

Russia, war, Ukraine, Federation Council of the Russian Federation, war with Russia, Federation Council, Russia's war against Ukraine, annexation of occupied territories, annexation of Ukrainian territory

The Federation Council of the Russian Federation approved the accession to Russia of the territories occupied by Russian troops in the east and south of Ukraine. The ratification of the "agreements" was supported unanimously.

This is evidenced by a message published in the official Telegram channel of the RF Federation Council.

153 out of 200 Russian senators took part in the meeting. All those present voted for the ratification of the "agreements".

The speaker of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, Valentina Matviyenko, said that residents of the occupied territories of Ukraine become Russian citizens forever.

"During the referendums, residents of the Donetsk People's Republic, Luhansk People's Republic, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson Regions clearly expressed their position by voting to return to their true great Motherland - Russia... We are one people! Our only Motherland is Russia," she said.

It is reported that the annexation procedure of the annexed territories of Ukraine should end with the introduction of amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, a day earlier, on October 3, members of the Russian parliament held a meeting, during which they voted for the annexation of the occupied territories of Ukraine to Russia.

We will remind you that on September 30, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the annexation of the territories of Ukraine that were seized by Russian troops.

Later, the Constitutional Court of Russia decided that the "integration" of the annexed territories will continue until the beginning of 2026.


