Politics 2024-09-15T05:28:21+03:00
Ukrainian news
Russians Again Talked About "Peace" On Their Own Terms. President's Office Responds

Russians Again Talked About "Peace" On Their Own Terms. President's Office Responds

Ukraine-Russia, Andrii Yermak, President's Office, war in Ukraine, Mikhail Galuzin

In the terrorist state of the Russian Federation, they again talked about "peace" in Ukraine, but, of course, on their own terms, which include control over the occupied territories. The President's Office has already responded to the relevant statements of the Russians.

"In order to achieve a comprehensive, just and durable peace, Ukraine must return to the neutral non-aligned status recorded in the Declaration on its State Sovereignty of 1990, refuse to join NATO and the EU. New territorial realities that have developed as a result of the realization of peoples' right to self-determination must be recognized," said Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Mikhail Galuzin.

In addition, he, not betraying the Kremlin's rhetoric, announced "denazification and demilitarization". And of course, according to the version of the representative of the terrorist country, "settlement is possible only under the condition of cessation of hostilities by the AFU." Galuzin just forgot to announce that the "combat actions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine" are a response to a full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, and not an attack, as in the case of an aggressor country.

In turn, the head of the President's Office, Andrii Yermak, noted that no negotiations with the Russians are possible today.

"There is no such force that today will force the Ukrainian society and the state leadership to talk with the Russians as long as the Russian troops are stationed on our territory," Yermak wrote in Telegram.

