Politics 2024-09-15T05:11:55+03:00
Ukrainian news
Occupiers want to bring about 300,000 residents of russia to Mariupol as part of the city's "development plan"

Occupiers want to bring about 300,000 residents of russia to Mariupol as part of the city's "development plan"

Russia, Mariupol, Russia's war against Ukraine, NRC, genocide of Ukrainian people

The aggressor country of russia intends to carry out "demographic changes" in the temporarily occupied Mariupol of the Donetsk Region, as part of which it is planned to settle about 300,000 russians in the destroyed city.

The National Resistance Center (NRC) announced this on Sunday, August 20.

According to the information of members of the Ukrainian resistance, referred to by the NRC, the occupation administration of Mariupol received the so-called "development plan" of the city from the Kremlin.

The document envisages an increase in the population of the occupied city until 2035.

The occupiers want to settle about 300,000 russian residents in Mariupol.

They want to attract russians to the destroyed city with the soft mortgage program, which has already begun to be implemented.

They also plan to bring even more state employees and workers from depressed regions of the russian federation to the occupied city.

The NRC emphasized that the russians continue to forcibly deport Ukrainians who remain in Mariupol to their territory.

It will be recalled that Mariupol was occupied by russian troops in the spring of 2022, the battles for the city lasted from March to the end of May. During this time, the city was subjected to artillery shelling and air strikes by the occupiers.

According to the estimates of the Ukrainian authorities, about 25,000 civilians were killed as a result of the hostilities in Mariupol.

The UN was able to document the deaths of 1,348 residents of Mariupol. At the same time, the organization admits that the actual number of victims of russian aggression may be much higher.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, as of the end of July this year, spontaneous burials of civilians who died in the spring of 2022 continue to be found in occupied Mariupol.

In order to hide the traces of their crimes, the russians after the occupation began to actively demolish houses damaged by shelling and bombing.

It is known that as of mid-July 2023, the russians demolished more than 300 residential apartment buildings in Mariupol.


