Politics 2024-09-15T05:03:37+03:00
Ukrainian news
Threat level extremely high. Russia takes ships with Kalibrs to sea

Threat level extremely high. Russia takes ships with Kalibrs to sea

Black Sea, war in Ukraine, missile attack, Russian ships on combat duty, Russian missile carriers

The terrorist country of russia has increased the presence of missile carriers in the Black Sea. The probability of missile attack is extremely high.

This was reported by the Defense Forces of Southern Ukraine.

"There are three missile carriers on combat duty: a small missile ship of the type Buyan-M and two frigates Admiral Makarov and Admiral Essen. The total salvo of Kalibr missiles can reach 24," the message says.

The military notes that the tension in the situation is predictable.

"The level of the missile threat is extremely high! Do not panic, but respond promptly to air warning signals," the Southern Defense Forces advised.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, on the morning of Friday, September 29, russian invaders launched a missile attack on Mykolaiv, targeting an infrastructure object on the outskirts of the city.

In addition, the daily expenses of the aggressor state of russia for the war against Ukraine amount to more than USD 300 million. During the 18 months of the war, the direct military costs and the cost of the lost equipment of the russian federation amounted to about USD 167.3 billion.

