Economy 2024-09-15T05:02:31+03:00
Ukrainian news
NACB detective Rykovtsev, who "supervised" Ukrzaliznytsia, appointed Ukrzaliznytsia unit director

NACB detective Rykovtsev, who "supervised" Ukrzaliznytsia, appointed Ukrzaliznytsia unit director

NACB, Ukrzaliznytsia, National Anti-Corruption Bureau, appointment, NACB detectives, National Anti-corruption Bureau of Ukraine

Former detective of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NACB) Oleksandr Rykovtsev has headed the Directorate for Economic and Information Security of Ukrzaliznytsia.

This is stated in the relevant document on Rykovtsev's appointment to this post, Ukrainian News Agency reports.

Rykovtsev was appointed Director for Economic and Information Security of the Directorate for Economic and Information Security of JSC Ukrzaliznytsia.

The directors of departments, offices, branches and regional branches of Ukrzaliznytsia were informed about this appointment, the document says.

Before Ukrzaliznytsia, Rykovtsev worked as an investigator in the territorial bodies of the State Tax Service, and since 2016 - in the National Anti-Corruption Bureau as a senior detective - deputy head of the detective department.

Also, Rykovtsev took part in the competition for the post of director of the NACB.

According to the sources of Ukrainian News Agency in law enforcement agencies, in the NACB Rykovtsev "oversaw" the activities of Ukrzaliznytsia.

The interlocutors also reported that Rykovtsev will receive UAH 300,000 in Ukrzaliznytsia.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, Ukrzaliznytsia increased to nine the number of trains patrolled by paramilitary guards.

In May 2023, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine conducted searches in the Ukrzaliznytsia joint-stock company, which are related to the procurements for the needs of the industry.

