Economy 2024-09-15T04:56:42+03:00
Ukrainian news
State budget fulfilled with a deficit of UAH 900 billion in 10M

State budget fulfilled with a deficit of UAH 900 billion in 10M

state budget deficit, revenue target of the state budget, state budget of Ukraine, state budget 2023, actual deficit of the state budget

In the first 10 months of 2023, the state budget was fulfilled with a deficit in the amount of UAH 900.0 billion, including the general fund - in the amount of UAH 923.1 billion, against the planned deficit of the general fund for the first 10 months of 2023 in the amount of UAH 1,478.0 billion.

This follows from a statement by the Ministry of Finance, the Ukrainian News Agency reports.

According to operational data, for October 2023, the general fund of the state budget received UAH 139.4 billion.

Among the payments, the execution of which is controlled by tax and customs authorities, the main revenues were received at the expense of:

- UAH 38.6 billion – value added tax on goods imported into the customs territory of Ukraine;

- UAH 22.8 billion – value added tax on goods produced in Ukraine (UAH 32.8 billion collected, reimbursed – UAH 9.9 billion);

- UAH 14.8 billion – personal income tax and military duty;

- UAH 8.2 billion – excise tax;

- UAH 2.9 billion - import and export duties.

- UAH 2.6 billion – corporate income tax

- UAH 2.4 billion – rent payment for subsoil use.

At the same time, the implementation of the monthly list of incomes by the State Tax Service amounted to 104.5% (+UAH 2.2 billion), by the State Customs Service - 98.4% (-UAH 0.7 billion).

Another important source of state budget revenues in October 2023 was the funds received by Ukraine in the form of international aid (grants): its volume at the end of the month amounted to UAH 42.0 billion.

Funds came from the United States.

According to operational data, for the first ten months of 2023, the general fund of the state budget received UAH 1,414.3 billion.

Among the payments, the execution of which is controlled by the tax and customs authorities, the following main revenues were received:

- UAH 299.7 billion – value added tax on goods imported into the customs territory of Ukraine;

- UAH 169.3 billion – value added tax on goods produced in Ukraine, of which UAH 280.8 billion was collected, UAH 111.6 billion was reimbursed;

- UAH 140.0 billion – personal income tax and military duty;

- UAH 108.7 billion – corporate income tax;

- UAH 88.1 billion – excise tax;

- UAH 48.5 billion – rent payment for subsoil use;

- UAH 25.4 billion - import and export duties.

At the same time, the implementation of the income statement by the State Tax Service amounted to 102.6% (+UAH 14.8 billion), by the State Customs Service - 97.3% (-UAH 9.0 billion).

Another important source of state budget revenues in the first 10 months of this year was the funds received by Ukraine in the form of international aid (grants) - UAH 404.9 billion.

The largest donor of grant support in the first 10 months of 2023 is the United States (UAH 398.5 billion).

Also, on an irrevocable basis, Ukraine received financing from Germany, Spain, Finland, Ireland, Switzerland, Belgium, and Iceland for up to UAH 6.4 billion. The funds were directed to the state budget of Ukraine through the Trust Fund of the World Bank within the framework of the PEACE project.

In the first 10 months of 2023, the receipts of the Single Social Fee to the Pension Fund and social insurance funds amounted to UAH 384.4 billion, of which UAH 41.1 billion was received in October.

According to the results of the first 10 months of 2023, the general and special funds of the state budget received UAH 2,206.0 billion in taxes, fees, and other payments.

According to operational data of the State Treasury Service for the first 10 months of 2023, cash expenditures of the state budget amounted to UAH 3,113.9 billion, including the general fund - UAH 2,346.0 billion, or 95.1% of the schedule for the reporting period.

For ten months of 2023, the state budget was implemented with a deficit of UAH 900.0 billion, including the general fund - in the amount of UAH 923.1 billion against the plan for the general fund for January-October 2023 of the deficit in the amount of UAH 1,478.0 billion.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, in January-September 2023, the state budget was implemented with a deficit of UAH 801.6 billion, including the general fund - in the amount of UAH 835.4 billion against the plan for the general fund for January-September 2023 of the deficit in the amount of UAH 1,384.7 billion.

