Ukrainian language

Found 56 results
Court grants access to all of Farion's phone calls for 1.5 years
Society 08 August 2024, 12:31 204
Suspect in murder of Lviv Polytechnic professor Farion remains in custody
Society 07 August 2024, 12:38 322
Farion's daughter knows who ordered her murder, but refuses to tell names
Society 01 August 2024, 17:17 603
After murder of Lviv Polytechnic professor Farion, her daughter was taken under guard
Society 01 August 2024, 13:59 411
Lawyer of suspect in murder of Farion says that investigation should look for woman
Society 31 July 2024, 13:36 405
Suspect in murder of Farion sure that he did not do it - lawyer
Society 31 July 2024, 13:00 375
Lawyer of suspect in Farion’s murder tells about similarity of case with murder of Sheremet
Society 31 July 2024, 12:41 226
Suspicion is being prepared for detainee in Farion murder. He faces from 7 to 15 years in prison and may be released in 2031
Society 25 July 2024, 17:28 465
SSU will dismiss cases against Farion due to her death
Law Enforcement 25 July 2024, 13:55 308
Farion reinstated as professor at Lviv Polytechnic
Society 29 May 2024, 14:34 741
Farion tells how much she really earned at Lviv Polytechnic
Politics 17 April 2024, 17:49 648
Farion does not demand monetary compensation in court due to dismissal from Lviv Polytechnic and does not want to be reinstated
Politics 04 January 2024, 15:09 941
Farion files lawsuit demanding that order for her dismissal be overturned
Politics 08 December 2023, 17:31 249
Facebook blocks Iryna Farion
Politics 27 November 2023, 16:44 275
Language Obmudsman Kremin says that concept of "russian-speaking" does not exist
Politics 23 November 2023, 16:22 261
Ukrainian language department of Lviv Polytechnic comes to defense of dismissed Farion
Politics 20 November 2023, 15:00 248
From now on, foreigners can obtain Ukrainian passport through exam in Ukrainian language and history
Politics 01 November 2023, 16:26 426
Cabinet changes procedure for conducting exams for level of proficiency in Ukrainian language
Politics 01 November 2023, 16:11 246
Russians Create List Of "Extremist Literature" And Take Ukrainian Books Out Of Occupied Territories
Politics 11 April 2023, 14:53 362
Law On Decolonization Provides For Renaming Of All Pro-Russian Names Of Cities, Villages And Streets Within 6 Months
Politics 06 April 2023, 17:30 267
