Politics 2024-09-15T04:29:30+03:00
Ukrainian news
Farion tells how much she really earned at Lviv Polytechnic

Farion tells how much she really earned at Lviv Polytechnic

salary, Ukrainian language, dismissal from post, Iryna Farion, Lviv Polytechnic University, professor, Lviv Polytechnic, linguist

Linguist and professor Iryna Farion told what salary she had at Lviv Polytechnic University.

She said this in an interview with Ukrainian News Agency.

"It was about UAH 15,000-17,000. This is the salary of a professor who, apparently, did not agree with the management on allowances .... I have never done this and will not do it. I had a pure ordinary rate of a professor who works more than lives," she said.

Farion added that this must have been a good enough reason to fire her from her job for "immoral misconduct."

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, Lviv Polytechnic named the amount of compensation that Farion received after her dismissal.

Earlier, Lviv Polytechnic hid the salary received by Farion.

Iryna Farion was dismissed from her position as a professor at Lviv Polytechnic University due to her violation of Article 41 of the Code of Labor Laws (commitment by an employee performing educational functions of an immoral offense incompatible with the continuation of this work).

Farion will be paid monetary compensation for early dismissal from Lviv Polytechnic.

Linguist Iryna Farion appealed to the Lviv court with a demand to declare illegal the order on her dismissal from the post of professor of the Lviv Polytechnic.


