Politics 2024-09-15T08:17:41+03:00
Ukrainian news
Cabinet Assigns Responsibility For Presence Of COVID Certificates Or Negative Tests During Interregional Road

Cabinet Assigns Responsibility For Presence Of COVID Certificates Or Negative Tests During Interregional Road Trips On Passengers

Cabinet, Cabinet of Ministers, passengers, passenger transportation, Coronavirus, COVID-19, vaccination, vaccination certificate, negative PCR test

The Cabinet of Ministers has assigned responsibility for the presence of COVID certificates or negative tests during interregional travel by road, with the exception of passenger cars, on passengers.

The Ministry of Health has said this in a statement, Ukrainian News Agency reports.

"Responsibility for the presence of a vaccination document or a negative test for COVID-19 when traveling by road between regions, with the exception of passenger cars, has been assigned on passengers," the statement said.

According to the report, the rules apply to both regular and irregular transportations in interregional and international communications.

This provision does not apply to transportation by passenger cars if the number of passengers there is no more than five (excluding children under 14 years old).

At that, more passengers are allowed, provided that they are members of the same family.

Besides, the carrier is obliged to inform passengers that they must have one of the required documents.

It is noted that during transportation by rail and air, the carrier is responsible for the availability of relevant documents for passengers.

As before, minors are not subject to the provision of a vaccination document or negative test result.

The absence of a document on vaccinations or a negative test for a passenger entails liability in accordance with the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses, which is a fine from 1,000 to 2,000 non-taxable minimum incomes of citizens, that is, from UAH 17,000 to UAH 34,000.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said that all types of interregional transportation from October 21 will be available only for passengers vaccinated against the coronavirus or who have a negative PCR test.


