Politics 2024-09-15T07:39:42+03:00
Ukrainian news
Occupants Illegally Take 2,389 Children From ORDLO To Russia - Foreign Ministry

Occupants Illegally Take 2,389 Children From ORDLO To Russia - Foreign Ministry

Russia, war, Ukraine, Russian aggression, children, ORDLO, war with Russia, Russian invasion, Russia's war against Ukraine, Russian aggression against Ukraine, Ukrainian children

On March 19, occupiers illegally took to Russia 2,389 children who were in the temporarily occupied districts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions (ORDLO).

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has said this in a statement, Ukrainian News Agency reports.

"According to the information received, on March 19, the Russian occupying forces illegally removed to the territory of the Russian Federation 2,389 children who were in the temporarily occupied districts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. The forced transfer of the civilian population to the territory of the aggressor state, in particular children, has signs of kidnapping," the statement says.

It is noted that such actions are a gross violation of international law, in particular international humanitarian law.

By destroying houses and killing parents, the Russian Federation deprives Ukrainian children of parental care, exposing their lives to further danger on Russian territory.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs calls on the international community to immediately respond to the illegal taking of children, to increase pressure on Russia in order to force it to stop the barbaric war against the Ukrainian people.

The facts of kidnapping of children, as well as hundreds of other facts of crimes of Russian invaders against civilians in Ukraine, are carefully documented by law enforcement agencies.

As Ukrainian News Agency reported, 115 children were killed and 148 have been injured since the start of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine.


