Politics 2024-09-15T05:41:22+03:00
Ukrainian news
Occupiers Turning Berdiansk Into Resort For Their Military

Occupiers Turning Berdiansk Into Resort For Their Military

Russian occupiers, Berdiansk, Zaporizhzhia region, occupied Zaporizhzhia region, temporarily occupied territory of Zaporizhzhia region, occupied Berdiansk

The Russian occupiers finally decided to turn the temporarily captured Berdiansk in the Zaporizhzhia Region into a military base with a resort exclusively for their military.

The press service of the Berdiansk City Council announced this on Telegram.

During a visit to Berdiansk, United Russia party leaders announced a decision to create conditions for the rehabilitation of the Russian military and their families in the city. The plans of the invaders are to repurpose the former territory of the resort exclusively for the needs of the Russian army.

"The Russians chose the territory and property complex of the Resort Berdiansk group of sanatoria. According to our information, the occupiers appointed a local collaborator Mykola Miroshnychenko as the head of this direction. Of course, with the formation of such a scale, in fact, a military base that can accommodate thousands of people at the same time, such an area will be carefully guarded as a military facility," it said.

The occupiers use the geographical location of Berdiansk, which is still in the farthest rear of the war, and count on the inviolability of their military, and knowing how they are afraid of the local population, residents can forget about walking along the resort's medical routes and getting out to the sea, the city council noted.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, the Russian occupiers force residents of the temporarily captured Berdiansk, Zaporizhzhia Region, to receive passes for movement through the temporarily occupied territories of the region until April 1.

Also in occupied Berdiansk, invaders force parents to send children to local schools overflowing with propaganda.

In January, it became known that the invaders were turning the airfield of the occupied Berdiansk into a fortress, fearing a counter-offensive by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


