Economy 2024-09-15T05:14:31+03:00
Ukrainian news
Occupiers cause damage to infrastructure of Ukraine for USD 150.5 billion since beginning of war - KSE

Occupiers cause damage to infrastructure of Ukraine for USD 150.5 billion since beginning of war - KSE

infrastructure of Ukraine, infrastructure losses in Ukraine, infrastructure losses, missile strikes on infrastructure facilities, attacks on infrastructure facilities, damaged energy infrastructure in Ukraine

According to the results of June 2023, the total amount of direct documented damage to the infrastructure of Ukraine due to a full-scale invasion of Russia is estimated at USD 150.5 billion (at the cost of substitution).

This is stated in the report of the KSE Institute, Ukrainian News Agency reports.

In total direct losses, the largest share is losses of housing stock - USD 55.9 billion, taking into account losses of approximately USD 1 billion from flooding and destruction of residential buildings due to the blowing up of the hydroelectric power station.

According to preliminary data from regional military administrations, as of June 2023, the total number of housing facilities destroyed or damaged as a result of hostilities is about 167,200 buildings, of which 147,800 are private houses; 19,100 - multi-apartment, another 350 - dormitories.

"As a result of the explosion of the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant, almost 37,000 more residential buildings, most of which are in the Kherson Region, were at risk of flooding. The housing stock of such cities as Mariupol, Kharkiv, Chernihiv, Severodonetsk, Rubizhne, Bakhmut, Mariinka, Lysychansk, Popasna, Izium and Volnovakha suffered the greatest destruction. For example, according to preliminary estimates, 90% of the housing stock is damaged in Severodonetsk, cities such as Bakhmut and Mariinka have almost no intact buildings," the report says.

The sector of infrastructure (transport infrastructure, road economy, railway infrastructure, as well as the aviation industry and the port industry) is second in terms of losses - USD 36.6 billion.

Since the beginning of hostilities in Ukraine, 19 airports and civilian airfields, at least 126 railway stations have been damaged.

The consequence of the explosion of the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant was also damage to port terminals located on the right and left banks of the Dnieper and flooding of roads in the Kherson Region.

Business asset losses are estimated at USD 11.4 billion.

Since the beginning of the war, at least 426 large and medium-sized private enterprises and state-owned companies have been damaged or destroyed.

"Education also remains one of the most affected areas: direct documented losses from the destruction of educational institutions amount to USD 9.7 billion. In total, almost 3,400 educational institutions have already been damaged as a result of hostilities. The largest losses from destruction and damage to educational institutions are in the Kharkiv, Donetsk, Chernihiv, Zaporizhzhia and Kyiv Regions," the document says.

As of June 2023, direct damage to the infrastructure of Ukrainian energy, according to preliminary estimates, amounts to USD 8.8 billion, of which USD 638 million is direct damage to the sphere from the blowing up of the hydroelectric power plant.

"Another USD 8.7 billion is the direct loss of the agricultural sector as a result of the war. The total amount of damage from destruction and damage to institutions of the social sphere, science and health care, cultural facilities, sports facilities and administrative buildings is about USD 5.9 billion," the report said.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, the estimated amount of damage caused to the environment due to the undermining by the Russian occupiers of the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant is about UAH 146 billion.


