Politics 2024-09-15T04:54:38+03:00
Ukrainian news
Another checkpoint on Ukrainian border blocked in Poland - Shehyni-Medyka

Another checkpoint on Ukrainian border blocked in Poland - Shehyni-Medyka

Poland, blocking, strike, carriers, border with Poland, Shehyni-Medyka, blocking of traffic

On the territory of Poland, on the road in front of the checkpoint Medyka (Republic of Poland), adjacent to the Ukrainian checkpoint Shehyni, blocking of the movement of cargo vehicles has begun.

This was announced by the State Border Guard Service, Ukrainian News Agency reports.

In this regard, traffic may be complicated both when leaving and entering Poland. Blocking traffic may last from November 23 to 26.

At the same time, obstructing of the movement of buses and passenger vehicles is not expected.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, on November 6, Polish transporters started a strike at the border with Ukraine in order to block the movement of Ukrainian freight transport. The blockade continues in three directions: these are the checkpoints Yahodyn - Dorohusk, Krakivets - Korczowa and Rava-Ruska - Hrebenne.

On November 23, it became known that another Ukrainian driver died in Poland at a parking lot near the Korczowa-Krakivets checkpoint. This is the second fatality since the start of the strike by Polish carriers.

According to the assessment of the Federation of Employers of Ukraine, on November 22, the economy of Ukraine recorded losses of more than EUR 400 million due to the blocking of borders by Polish strikers.


