Politics 2024-09-15T04:28:22+03:00
Ukrainian news
Biden signs bill on aid to Ukraine

Biden signs bill on aid to Ukraine

military aid to Ukraine, United States military aid, military assistance to Ukraine, aid to Ukraine, US military assistance, United States defense budget, U.S. military assistance to Ukraine, US aid to Ukraine

U.S. President Joe Biden has signed a law that provides for the allocation of almost USD 61 billion of additional military and economic assistance to Ukraine.

He said this at a briefing at the White House, Ukrainian News Agency reports.

"Today is a good day for America, a good day for Europe and a good day for world peace. I just signed into law a national security package that passed the House this weekend and yesterday -- the Senate. It will make America and the world safer. This will help our partners protect their sovereign land," the U.S. President said.

Biden assured that "over the next few hours" he will transfer documents to the relevant authorities so that the sending of military assistance to Ukraine begins as soon as possible.

"In the next few hours, I will do everything to transfer documents to our relevant authorities so that missile systems and other weapons are sent to Ukraine. This will help not only Ukraine, but also European security," the President said.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, on Saturday the U.S. House of Representatives approved a bill to allocate assistance to Ukraine. 311 members of the lower chamber of the U.S. Congress voted for the approval of the bill, 112 opposed.

The bill was promised to be submitted to the Senate as amendments to the Senate bill on international assistance of the United States, HR.815, which was adopted in February. This should simplify the procedure for approving the package in the Senate.

U.S. President Joe Biden promised to sign the approved bill on aid.


